Houston Scoliosis and Spine Institute


Adult Lady with Multiple Prior Laminectomies and Severe Kyphoscoliosis

Patient History: 73-year-old woman with back and leg pain. She experienced significant leg heaviness/weakness with walking. This patient experienced intolerance to prolonged standing or sitting which was better with laying down. She had previous multilevel lumbar decompression surgery. She experienced difficulty standing upright. Her husband noted her posture to deteriorate with constant leaning forward.

Surgery: Dr. Rahman performed spinal deformity surgery using long rods and decompression techniques to significantly reduce her curvature and restore her posture.

Outcome: The patient recovered well after surgery. She experienced an early superficial postoperative infection which was treated with oral antibodies alone. Remarkably she experienced only minimal pain after surgery and today is completely pain free and has returned to her normal activity. She is currently 1 year from her surgery.

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