PRP Therapy

Can PRP Therapy Help Back Pain?

Image of a girl getting botox
Image of a syrnge filling up
Image of a man in bed with a painful back


  • Headaches

  • Pain and stiffness

  • Grinding or popping noise or sensation when moving the neck

Image of a woman with shoulder pain
image of a spine

What is Arthritis of the Neck?

There are many factors that can cause and increase back pain. Factors include injuries, genetic conditions, environment, weight and general health, and age. The root cause of your back pain will influence the treatment method. Spine conditions that can cause back pain include:

  • Bulging or herniated discs (which then compress nerves)
  • Arthritic facet joints (two of these exist in each spinal level)
  • Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)
  • Spinal stenosis (places pressure on nerves)
  • Loose ligaments and the sacroiliac joint
  • Muscle trigger points (or atrophied stabilizing muscles)
  • And other conditions

Why Not Choose Surgery?

It could be easy to think that surgery that would “just fix it” and would be the best option for finding relief from back pain. However, this isn’t the case.
Even for acclaimed spine surgeons like Dr. Rahman, surgery may be the last resort means of treatment. Why? Spine surgery isn’t always successful at relieving the pain, and because it is an invasive procedure, it comes with a variety of risk factors. Less invasive means of treatment such as PRP and other regenerative medicine methods, can actually be more effective depending on the condition being treated, and reduce the risk for complications significantly. In some cases, surgery may be the best option for a patient. However, it can be best to consider other possible methods of treatment first.

Image of a man in an office chair

PRP Therapy

What is PRP Therapy?

Within the human body there are many cells whose “jobs” are to help the body repair and regenerate itself. Platelets are one of these entities that help to heal the body when it becomes damaged, due to their intrinsic growth factors. Essentially, platelets act as espresso shots for cells that repair damaged tissue, allowing for faster repair.

Platelets are a component of the body’s blood which is what allows it to have easy access to areas that become injured. Specifically, platelets are located within the plasma of the blood, hence the name Platelet Rich Plasma, also referred to as PRP.


PRP falls under the category of regenerative medicine and is even used in some cosmetic applications. PRP can be a powerful means of healing the body as it is minimally invasive and uses the body’s own powerful means of healing. Research has shown that the higher the platelet concentration, the more robustly new cells are able to grow.


To begin, a small amount of  blood is drawn from the patient’s body. This blood is then placed in a centrifuge or other similar processing equipment to allow the platelets and plasma to separate from the blood. After a few minutes, the PRP will be ready to be injected into the treatment area.


PRP is a powerful means of healing and can jumpstart your body to heal those areas of damage that are causing your back pain. However, PRP might not be the right solution for you. In some cases, a more complex treatment plan is needed that includes PRP but also other methods of treatment. Sometimes, other means of regenerative medicine may be best. This treatment has many applications and so it is always best to speak to a back pain specialist when considering a means of treatment.

Dr. Rahman is one of the top back surgeons and back pain specialists in the country. He is passionate about his patients and finding solutions to, ultimately, provide them the best quality of life.

To learn if PRP might help relieve your back pain, schedule an appointment with Dr. Rahman at Houston Scoliosis and Spine Institute. 


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