Houston Scoliosis and Spine Institute


Adult Scoliosis #2

Patient History: 68-year-old with a known history of scoliosis. She experienced 10 out of 10 back pain when standing. She experienced associated left thigh and knee pain. She found that laying down and traction helped her scoliosis pain. X-rays compared from 2010 show a 20 degree progression of both her thoracic and lumbar curvature. Additionally, she noted that her clothes were no longer fitting and she had lost 4 inches of vertical height. Patient noted that household activities were painful and that her posture had declined.

Surgery: Patient underwent T3–pelvis scoliosis correction and fusion with 9 chevron-shaped bone cuts (Ponte osteotomies), lumbar 3-4 nerve decompression, and one interspace spacer(TLIF).

Outcome: Patient did very well with surgery. There were no hospital complications. She is now 8 months status post her procedure. She had no complaints of pain or limitation.

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